
Linia MQ bez trzpienia

DN A D E Article 304
12 ~ 14mm 12~14 M8 20x3 720900131
17 ~ 19mm 17~19 M8 20x3 720900191
21 ~ 23mm 21~23 M8 20x4 720900231
25 ~ 27mm 25~27 M8 20x4 720900251
28 ~ 29mm 28~29 M8 20x4 720900291
33 ~ 35mm 33~35 M8 20x4 720900351
38.1 38 M8 20x4 720900381
40 ~ 42mm 40~42 M8 20x4 720900421
48.3 48 M8 20x4 720900481
51 ~ 54mm 51~54 M8 20x4 720900531
60 ~ 64mm 60~64 M8 20x4 720900631
70 ~ 73mm 70~73 M8 20x4 720900701
76.1 76 M8 20x4 720900761
85.0mm 85 M8 25x4 720900851
88.9 89 M8 25x4 720900891
101 ~ 104mm 101~104 M8 25x4 720901041
114.3 114 M8 25x4 720901141
129.0 129 M12 30x4 720901291
139 ~ 142mm 139~142 M12 30x4 720901401
154.0 154 M12 30x4 720901541
168.3 168 M12 30x4 720901681
204.0 204 M12 30x4 720902041

Article properties

Brand MQ-Line
Field of application Food, Chemistry & Industry
Implementation Without marker
Material 1.4301 (304)
Finishing Blank
Accessories With bolt and nut

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