
Okrągłe wsporniki stalowe

DN A B C D Article 304
12.0 12 20 M6 8 737100101
18.0 18 26 M6 8 737100151
22.0 22 30 M6 8 737100201
28.0 28 36 M6 8 737100251
34.0 34 42 M6 8 737100321
40.0 40 50 M8 8 737100401
52.0 52 62 M8 8 737100501
70.0 70 80 M8 8 737100651
85.0 85 97 M10 8 737100801
104.0 104 116 M10 8 737101001
129.0 129 141 M10 8 737101251
154.0 154 168 M12 8 737101501
12.0 12 20 M6 54 737000101
18.0 18 26 M6 54 737000151
22.0 22 30 M6 54 737000201
28.0 28 36 M6 54 737000251
34.0 34 42 M6 54 737000321
40.0 40 50 M8 54 737000401
52.0 52 62 M8 54 737000501
70.0 70 80 M8 54 737000651
85.0 85 97 M10 54 737000801
104.0 104 116 M10 54 737001001
129.0 129 141 M10 54 737001251
154.0 154 168 M12 54 737001501
12.0 12 20 M6 100 737200101
18.0 18 26 M6 100 737200151
22.0 22 30 M6 100 737200201
28.0 28 36 M6 100 737200251
34.0 34 42 M6 100 737200321
40.0 40 50 M8 100 737200401
52.0 52 62 M8 100 737200501
70.0 70 80 M8 100 737200651
85 85 97 M10 100 737200801
104.0 104 116 M10 100 737201001
129.0 129 141 M10 100 737201251
154.0 154 168 M12 100 737201501

Article properties

Field of application Food, Chemistry & Industry
Material 1.4301 (304)
Accessories With nuts

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